How-to Create a Public/Embedded Form Using a Pre-Made Connection

Design forms with a connection field pre-filled, organizing responses for surveys, orders, and more.

This Feature Requires A Premium Package

1. We will use the Sales app as an example and we are going to create a customer specific form so they can apply for service requests.

We will use the Sales app as an example and we are going to create a customer specific form so they can apply for service requests.

2. Click on the 3-dotted menu on the tab at the bottom

Click on the 3-dotted menu on the tab at the bottom

3. Click on Build

Click on Build

4. Choose the connection you want to use for the pre-made form. In this instance we will use Customer

Choose the connection you want to use for the pre-made form. In this instance we will use Customer

5. Click on Group Permissions

Click on Group Permissions

6. Check the box on Public

Check the box on Public

7. Click on Sales to go back to the Sales app

Click on Sales to go back to the Sales app

8. Now choose a customer and click it

Now choose a customer and click on it

9. Click on Sales Opportunities (Same thing as Service Requests)

Click on Sales Opportunities (Same thing as Service Requests)

10. Click on New Sales Opportunities

Click on New Sales Opportunities

11. As you can see the customer box is already picked

As you can see the customer box is already picked

12. Click on the 3-dotted menu button

Click on the 3-dotted menu button

13. Click on Copy URL or Copy Embed Code depending on what you want to do. In this case we are going to use a Public Form so we choose Copy URL.

If you want to learn how to embed a form, check out this resource: How-To Create Embedded Forms

Click on Copy URL or Copy Embed Code depending on what you want to do. In this case we are going to use a Public Form so we choose Copy URL

14. Go to a new incognito window and paste the URL. You will then see that the customer is pre-picked

Go to incognito and paste the URL. You will then see that Donna's Bakery is already picked

15. Type in a name

Type in a name

16. Click on Submit Service Request


17. After refreshing the Sales app page, you can see that the new entry has been added with the customer field saved.

After refreshing the Sales app page, you can see that the new entry has been added with the customer field saved.

✅ Done!

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